First Aid At Work Level 3 Requalification
This course is only for people who already hold a valid First Aid at Work certificate and they can take this 2-day course rather than the full 3-day FAW. You must have a copy of your original certificate.
This course is now available as the blended option. Part one is 6 hours training on line. Part two is one day in the classroom with a qualified instructor. Ideal if you want to reduce your hours in the classroom.
If you require a blended option please contact us for more details and cost.
Who can take this course ?
Construction and Building
Forestry (see also our FAW Forestry course)
High-risk businesses
Outdoor Pursuits and Exploring
Any workplace where a higher level of training is required
Remember you must hold a valid and original FAW certificate to qualify for this course.
Course content.
1 Understand the role and responsibilities of a first aider.
1.1 Identify the role and responsibilities of a first aider.
1.2 Describe how to minimise the risk of infection to self and others.
1.3 Identify the need for establishing consent to provide first aid.
1.4 Complete an accident report form.
1.5 Identify the first aid equipment that should be available in a workplace.
1.6 Describe the safe use of first aid equipment.
2 Be able to assess an incident.
2.1 Conduct a scene survey.
2.2 Conduct a primary survey of a casualty.
2.3 Give examples of when to call for help.
3 Be able to manage an unresponsive casualty who is breathing normally.
3.1 Assess a casualty’s level of consciousness.
3.2 Open a casualty’s airway and check breathing.
3.3 Explain why it is important to place an unconscious casualty into the recovery position.
3.4 Place an unresponsive casualty in the recovery position.
3.5 Manage a casualty who is in a seizure.
4 Be able to manage an unresponsive casualty who is not breathing normally.
4.1 Recognise the need to commence Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation.
4.2 Demonstrate Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation using a manikin.
5 Be able to recognise and assist a casualty who is choking.
5.1 Describe how to identify a casualty with a
Partially blocked airway
Completely blocked airway
5.2 Administer first aid to a casualty who is choking.
6 Be able to manage a casualty with external bleeding.
6.1 Identify the types of external bleeding.
6.2 Control external bleeding.
7 Be able to manage a casualty who is in shock.
7.1 Recognise shock.
7.2 Administer first aid to a casualty who is in shock.
8 Be able to manage a casualty with a minor injury.
8.1 Administer first aid to a casualty with small cuts, grazes and bruises.
8.2 Administer first aid to a casualty with minor burns and scalds.
8.3 Administer first aid to a casualty with small splinters
Unit 2: Recognition and Management of Illness and Injury in the Workplace
1 Be able to conduct a secondary survey.
1.1 Identify the information to be collected when gathering a casualty history.
1.2 Conduct a head to toe survey.
2 Be able to administer first aid to a casualty with injuries to bones, muscles and joints.
2.1 Recognise suspected; Fractures, Dislocations, Sprains and strains
2.2 Administer first aid for; Fractures, Dislocations, Sprains and strains
3 Be able to administer First Aid to a casualty with suspected head and spinal injuries.
3.1 Recognise suspected; Concussion, Skull fracture, Cerebral compression, Spinal injury
3.2 Administer first aid for suspected; Concussion, Skull Fracture, Cerebral compression, Spinal injury
4 Be able to administer First Aid to a casualty with suspected chest injuries.
4.1 Recognise the different types of a chest injury.
4.2 Administer first aid for a chest injury.
5 Be able to administer First Aid to a casualty with burns and scalds.
5.1 Recognise the factors that affect the severity of burns and scalds.
5.2 Administer first aid for burns involving; Dry heat, Wet heat, Electricity and Chemicals
6 Be able to administer First Aid to a casualty with an eye injury.
6.1 Give examples of common eye injuries.
6.2 Administer first aid for eye injuries involving; Dust, Chemicals and Embedded objects
7 Be able to administer First Aid to a casualty with sudden poisoning.
7.1 Identify the routes that poisons can take to enter the body.
7.2 Administer immediate first aid to a casualty affected by sudden poisoning.
7.3 Identify sources of information for treating those affected by sudden poisoning.
8 Be able to administer First Aid to a casualty with anaphylaxis.
8.1 Identify common triggers for anaphylaxis.
8.2 Recognise anaphylaxis.
8.3 Administer immediate first aid for a casualty suffering from anaphylaxis.
9 Be able to provide First Aid to a casualty with suspected major illness.
9.1 Recognise major illnesses including; Heart Attack, Stroke, Epilepsy, Asthma and Diabetes
9.2 Administer first aid to a casualty suffering from major illnesses including; Heart Attack, Stroke, Epilepsy, Asthma and Diabetes.
How much does it cost ?
A Two day course cost £80 per person. This includes the certificate and access to free updates and online training videos , even after completion you will have login details and complete access to any training up dates.
More than one of you ?
Then we offer block booking discounts depending on the number of people required to take the course.
4 to 6 people £75 per person
6 to 12 people £70 per person